Q&A: Rodrigo Garza Zazueta, UNITED 956 Right Wing, Right Back

Q: Jersey Number

A: 26

Q: Position

A: Right Wing, Right Back

Q: When did you know you wanted to play soccer, and how hard did work you to get to the level you are at now?

A: I knew I wanted to play when I was 10 and I’ve been working since last year for this tournament specifically.

Q: What is your most memorable moment as a player this season?

A: Scoring a goal in the group stage.

Q: What  was it like for you traveling the country and winning it all?

A: It was satisfying seeing the preparation paid off.

Q: What was your biggest challenge on the way to the championship?

A: The environment in Denver was different than that of Texas and staying consistent as well.

Q: Tell us what you were feeling and thinking about heading into the championship game?

A: I knew that the team was entering the final way stronger than how it entered the tournament.

Q: What is your favorite part of being a  member of the team?

A: Just being able to celebrate together and be part of a family.

Q: What set your team apart from all the other teams across the country you competed against?

A: We wanted it more.

Q: Who is your favorite soccer player?

A: Neymar

Q: Who is the greatest soccer player of all time?

A: Messi

Q: Favorite Movie?

A: Creed 2

Q: Favorite Restaurant?

A: Chick fil a

Q: Who would play you in your Hollywood movie?

A: Corbin Bleu

Q: What School do you attend?

A: Sharyland High School

Q: Grade

A: 11