Q&A: David Peterson, UNITED 956 Right back / centerback

By RAUL GARCIA JR | Edinburg Daily Review

EDINBURG — We had caught up with David Peterson who recently helped area soccer team United 956 to the US Soccer Club’s 2024 National Championship. Here is what he had to say about his recent success on the field.

Q: Jersey Number

A: 27

Q: Position

A: Right back / centerback

Q: When did you know you wanted to play soccer, and how hard did work you to get to the level you are at now?

A: I knew I wanted to play soccer when I was 4 years old, it wasn’t only a hobby, I loved playing soccer. I would play everyday after school, and with my hard work, dedication and my family’s support, I was able to get toy he level I am at now.

Q: What is your most memorable moment as a player this season?

A: My most memorable moment as a player this season was being able to recover from multiple concussions after not being able to play any sports for 8 months.

Q: What  was it like for you traveling the country and winning it all?

A: Traveling and winning it all was amazing, we were able to represent the Valley and show everyone else what we are made of.

Q: What was your biggest challenge on the way to the championship?

A: My biggest challenge was trying to get my confidence back after being out due to concussions for 8 months, I made some mistakes but I kept my head up and focused on the next thing.

Q: Tell us what you were feeling and thinking about heading into the championship game?

A: Going into the game I was very nervous, but I knew that we had what it takes to win it. I never thought, “what if we lose” I always stayed positive and put all faith in God.

Q: How much fun was it winning it all, and what is your best moment of the championship game?

A: It was awesome to be able to achieve something this big. My favorite moment of the championship game was when we scored our third goal to make it a two goal lead, at that moment I already knew we were going to be champions.

Q: What is your favorite part of being a  member of the team?

A: My favorite part of being a member of the team is not only the winning games and tournaments, it’s the bond and the type of friendship that the whole team has, it is like a second family.

Q: What set your team apart from all the other teams across the country you competed against?

A: What set us apart from other teams was that we wanted it more and played harder because we had a point to prove, we were very excited to be able to represent the valley and show that the valley has what it takes

Q: Who is your favorite soccer player?

A: My favorite soccer player has always been Javier Hernandez.

Q: Who is the greatest soccer player of all time?

A: Javier Hernández

Q: Favorite Movie?

A: Billy Maddison

Q: Favorite Restaurant?

A: Chepe

Q: What School do you attend

A: Sharyland Highschool

Q: Grade

A: 10th